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Arid Realm

Arid Realm.png

The "Arid Realm" is a desert like region in the central continent. It is difficult to navigate and naturally unwelcoming. Many nomads tend to avoid the center of the Arid Realm due to its large barren sand dunes and deadly high temperatures. 



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Purpose of the land

=now homeland of The Barolan Clan and people


=Barolan Clan only

Family feuds

=frequent tensions between clan families

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=distain for governing empires, especially the Doro empire

=does not dispute with woodland realm, sea folk, ice realm, east coast

Racial sects 

=non barbaric, survivalist and primitive tribes/clans are looked down on


=open to occasional temporary nomads

National logos and fonts 

=tents, rounded peak sand dunes, fighting

=colors: blood red, sand yellow

Social hierarchies 

=male leader, adult male fighters, young male fighter, female fighter, female hunter & cook, children


=only possess that in which you fought for

=very sand viking / orc vibes raid and take home


Traditions & Rituals:……………………………….


=burning sand festival (mid summer feast & orgy)

=frozen sand festival (early winter feast & orgy)



Celebrations & age parties

=10yo,25yo, 50yo, 70yo,

Funeral Customs

=cave burial


=Polytheism, war gods & afterlife gods


Rulers: Greater Community………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=proudly self governed

Laws and punishments 

=anarchistic communism

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: stolen and raided goods sold at markets

=imports: stolen and raided goods


Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………


=broad swords, hands, bow and arrows, blunt objects, anything and everything


=pre medieval ages

Soldier training

= training starts as young as walking age


=merchant, laborer, fighter

School / education

=clan taught fighting

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: mini warriors in training as with hunting

=women: some fighters mostly home bodies and raises children

=men: expected fighters

=elderly: typically non-existent

=poor: communism

=rich: looked as weak and vulnerable

=disabled: typically nonexistent or home bodies

What tech exists

= none

Philosophies: Values………………………………..…..


=Polytheism, war gods & afterlife gods

Afterlife God: Sharex

“The strong in death, shall live a gain.

Life of fight hails, blood like rain.

God of death, we call to thee.

Sharex guide us, to your glory.

Reunion with, the Ancestors.

Waiting on the, blood stained shores.

God of death, we call to thee.

Sharex guide us, to your glory.”

War Goddess: Olessia


Cult prophecies 

=afterlife fantasies

Sacred & respected places 

=burial grottos


Natural world:……………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=dry and hot

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 55*f

=blight, famine, pestilence, tribe attacks

Creatures & animal species

=horses, sand poisonous animals, birds, occasional dark forest beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=fight and kill any for clan to survive


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts………..………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=nightly full family meals

=brothels are not a thing here because of communal sex and orgies

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=fight club

=assassin / mercenary club

=underground female witch culture

=black market thief for hire

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= common cannabis pipe use

=uncommon shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: metal and weapon forging / smithing

= music: basic fable folk tavern battle cries

= theater: spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, non cannibalistic but will use humans as fertilizer. a lot of fresh veggies, bread, meat, everything during mid spring through mid fall. From late fall through mid spring, they rely on jarred and preserved foods.


=ale, wine, meed, water, juice,


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=rough English,

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=multiple partners and orgies with any gender

=a woman chosen by the Shaw may not bed with any other men until he dies

=out of region is generally okay but uncommon. Women what strong children, so they only have sex within the clan.

=men will rape outside the region to expand the Barolan bloodline

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=sun sickness



Fairex Ruins

Fairex Castle Ruins

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=ruins of the fairex empire castle , that empire has has since abandoned the castle and moved underground into mines. Now known as the Hillmen tribe

=unconfirmed haunted



Purpose of the land

=abandoned and decaying castle

=general destination for travelers to stay

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 




Family feuds


family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate


Racial sects 



=all are equally unwelcome as welcomed, though robberies are common here

National logos and fonts 


Social hierarchies 



=outlaw business has no law


Traditions & Rituals:……………………………………….





Celebrations & age parties


Funeral Customs

=typically exposure burial (left out for the wild beasts)

Orgies & fertilities





Rulers: Greater Community………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 


Laws and punishments 


Village Imports/exports 



Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………


=that which is brought


= None

Soldier training

= None



School / education


Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

= equally unwelcome

What tech exists

= pre historic

Philosophies: Values…………………………………..…..


=the law is what you’re capable of enforcing

Cult prophecies 


Sacred & respected places 

=none, nothing is sacred here


Natural world:………………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

= rainy, cool weather. uncommon snow

=summer high of 90*f, winter lows of 20*f

Creatures & animal species

=wild animals, birds, dark forest beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=black market manifesto


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts………………………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses


Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 


Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= whatever you bring here

Art, music, theatre

= none

Food & drink

=whatever you bring here


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)

=used to be a Fairex Empire castle eras ago about but it fell and now is ungoverned

=might be haunted


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern


=mostly English



Location Video Reference:
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:


Purpose of the land

=a mixing pot and oasis at the junction of the woodland realm, dezlans and dunes

=lots of traveler rumors and stories arise from this land

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=collective of the social people of the central realm


=collective of clans, adventurers and travelers

Family feuds

=old Sunza Empire terf, not kind to Barolan traders

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=distain for the Barolan clan

=all are accepted entry but any misconduct and they will be kicked out of imprisoned exiled

Racial sects 

=a Wild West atmosphere so “birds of a feather flock together”


=open to nomads looking to trade labor for food, shelter and safety

National logos and fonts 

=oasis, trees, dunes

Social hierarchies 

=inn keepers, merchants, travelers, establishments hire their own bouncers. A communal appointed Mayer


=stay as long as you need, there’s a lot of work to be done around here.

=inn keepers offer jobs in the kitchen, cleaning the rooms, bartending, in the stables, etc

=one of everything has surely been traded here


Traditions & Rituals:…………………………….


=Beast show (late summer) people bring pets, trapped, taxidermy beasts from all over


=this is a community of transplants from all backgrounds.

Celebrations & age parties

=celebrations for any announced purpose

Funeral Customs

=pyre. To prevent Dezlan uprising

Orgies & fertilities

=usually too diverse to pick a specific day


=general pagan and open to all beliefs


Rulers: Greater Community………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=half self governed militia, mayor

=half self hired body guards & bouncers

Laws and punishments 

=modern capitalistic laws

=light crime, public beating, kicked out or fed to the caves

=bad crime inprisonment or fed to the caves

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: fruits, gems, wood, camel like horses, cattle, wooden tools & armor

=imports: metals,


Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………


=blunt objects & clubs, whips, bows and arrows, swords


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= local training, police academy like


=inn keepers, brothels, architects, merchant, laborer, blacksmith, farmer, wood worker, animal breeder

School / education

=family taught, on the job training

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: can be paid cheap for tasks

=women: merchants, prostitute, home bodies, gardener

=men: inn keeper is the man of the house, merchants, guards, animal breeder, wood harvester,

=elderly: merchants, inn worker

=poor: field worker, lumberjack

=rich: gold merchant, animal breeder

=disabled: inn worker

What tech exists

= basic medieval

Philosophies: Values……………………………………..…..


=Polytheism, war gods & afterlife gods

Cult prophecies 

=afterlife fantasies

Sacred & respected places 

=pyre grounds


Natural world:………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=hot, humid

=summer high of 100*f, winter lows of 45*f

=common droughts, sand storms. rare: flooding, wild fire

Creatures & animal species

=camel like horses, forest animals, cattle, beasts for breeding, birds, occasional dark forest beasts and deplane & cave creatures

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= camel like horses, various beasts, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=the environment and animals is captivated to comfort and aid travelers continue on their path

=All being can help others find relaxing comforts.

=everyone has intentions to keep moving


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts……………………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a primary food and social source here

=some females work in brothels here, women from all over the realms

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=inn keepers association, documenting and profiling people and races

=alchemists, secretly testing potions on people

=underground female witch culture, passing along secrets coded grimoire knowledge via unknowing travelers

=cave explorers association

=beast breeders guild

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= common cannabis pipe use

= rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: landscape & traveler portrait paintings in water color, stone art sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, fiddles, mandolins, any instruments from all over the realm

= theater: traveling fable reenactments , traveler spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, non cannibalistic here but cannibals do pass through. a lot of fresh veggies, bread, meat, everything during mid spring through mid fall. From late fall through mid spring, they rely on jarred and preserved foods.


=ale, wine, water, juice, potions


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms, it is up to the buyer

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern

=biologic warfare not a concern


=mostly English

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