Badlands Realm

Brooks Empire
=not active
=homeland: Brooklon , now known as “Shadow Brook”
=the remaining empire split into Epska & Virenia
==split by religious branches of the same religion
Virenia: seek and recruit people to their communistic cult island, christian-like, feeds/sacrifices human blood to the evil god.
Epska: very secluded, monk like, no one every leaves, constant meditation to suppress the evil god.
Nesaro Empire
=not active
=Homelands: Sarolan , now known as “Dezlans” & some “Sleeping Pools”
=an empire based on necromancey and death magic
=the remaining empire has supposedly died off due to the reanimated dead attacks and uprising
=the land is now uninhabitable and hexed
=Shad: zombie like reanimated dead person
Astoria Empire
=homelands: Astoria
=very small empire of Flame Conjurers
==out breeding has diluted fire resistant blood, making offspring susceptible to being burned alive within Astoria.
==many half breed Flame Conjurers have fled the dangers of life in Astoria and live quietly amongst populations of the Plains region. Several freely live within Sentia
Sunza Empire
=Not Active
=Homelands: Barolan & Shillock
=defeated on many fronts in a collaborative effort by several empires
=coup, radical uprising sect successor known as Barolan Clan
Thala Empire
=Homelands: Deathly Isles
=Thal creatures are like mermaids, merfolk, fish people
==synonymous terms also seaBer, water nin,
Location Video Reference:
Town Ruins
Castle Ruins
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People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:
=Brook empire was the dominating force of the east coast until the Nesaro Empire Army (Dezlan) over came the empire. Forcing its people to flee to the northern mountain realm. Upon settlement , the Brook people had a religious reflection that caused a divide in their spiritual beliefs. One group created Virenia and the other group created Epska.
=Nesaro attacked Brook for access to their gem mines. After a successful attack on Brook the human 3 remaining necromancers reanimated the the dead Brook soldiers. All the reanimated soldiers over took the necromancers causing them to flee. It is unclear and undocumented as to what happened next.
==the necromancers were all killed.
==the necromancers killed themselves to kill the armies
==necromancers fled, the army returning to Dezlan to forever haunt it.
==a necromancer fled into the gem mines and is trapped there
==MAYBE “The Death Witch” short film is one of those witches
=South west , swamp realm
Nesaro Empire
=not active
=Homelands: XXXX , now known as “Dezlans” & some “Sleeping Pools”
=an empire based on necromancey and death magic
=the remaining empire has supposedly died off due to the reanimated dead attacks and uprising
=the land is now uninhabitable and hexed
=Shad: zombie like reanimated dead person
Individual clan Social circumstances globally
=horrid toxic land, poisonous crops and littered with graves, a hexed land
=common: dark beasts, nomad
=uncommon: Shad, death witch, pirate
=rare: Nesaro, Vagalon
Family feuds
=Nesaro vs everyone
==everyone is upset about the Shad attack
family trees
=secret: the Nesaro are a radical sect of the Vagalon
Race wars & racism & species hate
=everyone hates a Shad
=everyone hates a death witch
Racial sects
=death witches, shad, shillock, nomads
=nomads do occasionally find their way through this land even though it is extremely dangerous
National logos and fonts
=old: death, swamps, crypts, caves, bats, dead trees,
Social hierarchies
=if you survive a visit here you are lucky
=the dead want to expand their army
Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Holidays
X Pilgrimages
X Celebrations & age parties
Funeral Customs
X Orgies & fertilities
=death rituals
Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Governance / law enforcement
X Laws and punishments
X Village Imports/exports
Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::
=shad: primarily swords, hand
Soldier training
=old world Nesaro
X Work
X School / education
Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled
=all can join the army of death
What tech exists
Primitive medieval
Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=DezMur Game: summon Chezera
==DezMur : translates to “Whispers of the Dead”
==Chezera is believed to be the gatekeeper to the afterlife and documents all the souls of the dead. Chezera is acknowledged in the Dezlans / Badlands Realm.
=death witchery
Cult prophecies
=death will reclaim the world
Sacred & respected places
=Dezlan catacombs
Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters
=common: gloomy, dark, foggy, rainy, humid
=high 95*f , lows 40*f
=disasters: mud slides, quick sand, flooding
Creatures & animal species
=birds, horrid beasts, cave creatures,
Styles of transportation & distant communication
=boat, walk, horse
Relationship with people, animals and plants
=Death to all, as all here want your death
Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Dining halls / brothels / service businesses
Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods,
=death witch
=black market
X Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants
X Art, music, theatre
=most plants are poisonous
=most water here is contaminated
History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs
Century breakdowns
-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)
Pre history & beginning of recorded history
Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Sexual norms / reproduction
Species based Diseases and illnesses
=rabies-like , leprosy
X Marriage & love norms
Shadow Brook
Location Video Reference:
Kingdom Ruins
Castle Interior
Crypt Interior
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:
Brooks Empire
=not active
=homeland: Brookton , now known as “Shadow Brook”
=the remaining empire split into Epska & Virenia and forced out of Brookton
==split by religious branches of the same religion
Virenia: seek and recruit people to their communistic cult island, christian-like, feeds/sacrifices human blood to the evil god.
Epska: very secluded, monk like, no one every leaves, constant meditation to suppress the evil god.
=Brook empire was the dominating force of the east coast until the Nesaro Empire Army (Dezlan) over came the empire. Forcing its people to flee to the northern mountain realm. Upon settlement , the Brook people had a religious reflection that caused a divide in their spiritual beliefs. One group created Virenia and the other group created Epska.
=Nesaro attacked Brook for access to their gem mines. After a successful attack on Brook the human 3 remaining necromancers reanimated the the dead Brook soldiers. All the reanimated soldiers over took the necromancers causing them to flee. It is unclear and undocumented as to what happened next.
==the necromancers were all killed.
==the necromancers killed themselves to kill the armies
==necromancers fled, the army returning to Dezlan to forever haunt it.
==a necromancer fled into the gem mines and is trapped there
==MAYBE “The Death Witch” short film is one of those witches
=central swamp realm
Individual clan Social circumstances globally
=unfortunate collapsed society resulting in the ban and distain for death witches and magic
=few: Brook empire, Barolan, shillock, pirates, nomads
=rare: Shad, golems, death witches, vagalon
Family feuds
=Brooks Empire vs Near Empire
Race wars & racism & species hate
Racial sects
=nomads and treasure hunters are common, even though the land is cursed and dangerous
National logos and fonts
=old: mining, kingdom castle, power, shield, ships,
=new: none
Social hierarchies
=a castle in ruin holds hidden treasures for those who look
Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=old: same holidays as Virenia’s current holidays
=now: none
=old: pilgrimages to Epska and Virenia
=now: none
Celebrations & age parties
Funeral Customs
=old: crypts
=now: none
Orgies & fertilities
Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::
Governance / law enforcement
=None: anarchistic , Wild West
Laws and punishments
Village Imports/exports
=exports secret treasures
Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Weapons
X Soldier training
X Work
X School / education
X Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled
What tech exists
=primitive medieval
Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X morals/beliefs/gods
X Cult prophecies
X Sacred & respected places
Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters
=dark & gloomy, rainy
=highs 90*f , lows 20*f
Creatures & animal species
=Dark creatures, horrid beasts
Styles of transportation & distant communication
=horse, boat, ship, walk
Relationship with people, animals and plants
=take and hunt all of value
Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Dining halls / brothels / service businesses
Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods,
=black market
=death witch
Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants
= all rare
Art, music, theatre
=that which you bring
=that which you bring
History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs
Century breakdowns
-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)
Pre history & beginning of recorded history
Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Sexual norms / reproduction
Species based Diseases and illnesses
=rabies-like, gloom-like depression
X Marriage & love norms
Location Video Reference:
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:
=central east island , swamp lands
Astoria Empire
=homelands: Astoria
=very small empire of Flame Conjurers
==out breeding has diluted fire resistant blood & body, making offspring susceptible to being burned alive within Astoria’s fire pits and magma pools.
==many half breed Flame Conjurers have fled the dangers of life in Astoria and live quietly amongst populations of the Plains region. Several freely live within Sentia where they maintain the castle’s warmth as master of flames
==rumored that some also live as pirates and mine explorers
Individual clan Social circumstances globally
=this island is extremely dangerous and uninhabitable by anyone not of pure Astorian Blood line.
Family feuds
=inner family conflict concerning cross breading
family trees
=a hand full of use blood Astorian families
Race wars & racism & species hate
=distain for unpure Astorians
Racial sects
=unpure are suggested to leave , survival of the fittest
=nomads are generally unwelcome out of fear of potential cross breading
National logos and fonts
=fire, magma, Blackstone,
Social hierarchies
=pure bred Astoria, others
=The flames will purify the races
Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=fire festival (mid spring) volcano irruption and magma showers
X Pilgrimages
Celebrations & age parties
Funeral Customs
=magma casket: similar to pompeii italy
X Orgies & fertilities
=fire magic, sacrificial burnings
Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::
Governance / law enforcement
=Astora Empire
Laws and punishments
=minor crime: some burning
=major crime: burn alive
Village Imports/exports
=imports: none
=exports: magma blades
Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::
=magma blades: swords, flaming arrows
Soldier training
=in house
=black smith,
School / education
=in house
Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled
=as long as they are pure bred they require the upmost respect
What tech exists
=primitive medieval
Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=god of fire: created the world
Cult prophecies
=those who can survive the flames be be at the hands of the god in the time of resurrection
Sacred & respected places
=volcano temple
Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters
=smoky, snowing ash, dark and fiery
Creatures & animal species
=flame resistant lizards, land walking sea creatures
Styles of transportation & distant communication
Relationship with people, animals and plants
=those who can survive the flames will stay
Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Dining halls / brothels / service businesses
Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods,
=fire guild
X Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants
Art, music, theatre
=art: magma sculptures (like easter island)
=music: chanting and drums
=theatre: primitive god dramas
=food is grown off the main island and maintained by half breds
=wheat, grain, fish,
History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs
Century breakdowns
-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)
Pre history & beginning of recorded history
Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sexual norms / reproduction
=male & female, no half breeds
Species based Diseases and illnesses
=smoke inhalation
Marriage & love norms
=bloodline marriages
Sleeping Pools
Location Video Reference:
General Environment
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:
Deathly Isles
Location Video Reference:
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:
Thala Empire
=Homelands: Deathly Isles
=Thal creatures are like mermaids, merfolk, fish people
==synonymous terms also seaBer, water nin,
=south east swamp lands
Individual clan Social circumstances globally
=generally overlooked swampy marsh lands
=only Thala Empire
Family feuds
=because the Thala Empire is a humanoid underwater society in an uninhabitable region not much is known about them.
family trees
=Thala Empire species tree
Race wars & racism & species hate
Racial sects
=only Thala
=none since its an unpleasant marsh land extremely difficult and dangerous to traverse
National logos and fonts
Social hierarchies
=monarch family, soldiers, beings
=the sea provides all in safety
Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=sleeping pool crypts
Celebrations & age parties
=adult hood
Funeral Customs
=sleeping pools: similar to the peat moss bogs
Orgies & fertilities
=late summer before the water gets cold
Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::
Governance / law enforcement
=Thala empire soldier
Laws and punishments
=minor crime: public beating , improsonment
=major crime: killing
Village Imports/exports
Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::
=mostly sharp fins, coral blades
Soldier training
=in house training
School / education
Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled
=survival of the fittest
What tech exists
Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X morals/beliefs/gods
X Cult prophecies
Sacred & respected places
=sleeping pools
Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters
=foggy, cloudy, hazy , hallucination pollen from a unique plant
=high 100*f , low 40*f
Creatures & animal species
=Swamp land creatures, deadly sea creatures
Styles of transportation & distant communication
=swiming, boating,
Relationship with people, animals and plants
=kill or be killed
Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
X Dining halls / brothels / service businesses
Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods,
=green witch
Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants
=common shrooms
Art, music, theatre
X Food
X Drink
History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs
Century breakdowns
-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)
Pre history & beginning of recorded history
Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sexual norms / reproduction
=procreate based on season temperatures
Species based Diseases and illnesses
=fin rott
Marriage & love norms
=no marriage, yearly partners