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Weston Realm

Realm Weston.png

Land known for farming crops, wood, travel, and military safety.

Doro Empire


=homeland: Councilon

=Weston land governance



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General purpose of the land

=this is use as a strong hold to train the new generations of Doro empire soldiers

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=one of the richest societies in the world


=no clans only the domain of the Doro Empire

Family feuds

=no drama allowed on the island

family trees 

=Doro family empire

Race wars & racism & species hate

=very specie racist island

Racial sects 

=all human skin tones welcome just not various human breeds


=not allowed

National logos and fonts 

=the god, monarch, strength

Social hierarchies 

=king family, various political people, trainers, trainees, common people


=strong authoritarian, boot camp vibes, strong military mind set


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=first harvest (late spring / early summer)

=last harvest (late fall / early winter)

=king’s day (mid summer)

=quarterly merchant festivals (winter, spring, summer, fall)

=ice festival (winter) -involving ice realm ruins at Zestrum Castle)


=Ice festival

Celebrations & age parties

=18yo recruit entry

=20yo recruit departure

Funeral Customs


Orgies & fertilities



=secret rituals

=slightly pagan, authoritarian based

Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 

=Doro empire

Laws and punishments 

=modern capitalistic laws

=punishment publicly for small crimes. dungeons, executions for big crimes

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: military wares and soldiers, boats, horses, fish

=imports: mostly everything else


Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=monogamous man & woman of same region norm and pushed

=same sex if fine but not taken seriously, male & male sexuality is not uncommon here since the only brothel is over priced

=out of region sex and out of species sex is looked down upon

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern

=maybe in the past a species helped them through a pandemic or they were suspicious of a species



Tools: Techniques and Skills…………………………


=primarily: broad swords, bow and arrows, hand to hand combat


=medieval ages

Soldier training

= 18yo males are drafted from yellow kingdom to Councilon for several year training


=soldier, laborer, blacksmith, farmer, fishers

School / education

=primarily only military school

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=if they are from the Doro empire, save them

What tech exists


Philosophies: Values……………………..…..


=monotheistic & authoritarian. Meaning the King is appointed by the god

=morals same as christian America

Cult prophecies 

=rulers will save the people

Sacred & respected places 

=Councilon Island castle

Natural world:……………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=california similar, occasional rain , mostly sunny

=summer high of 85*f, winter lows of 15*f

=rarely tsunami

Creatures & animal species

=horses, cattle, cattle, birds, fish

Styles of transportation & distant communication 


Relationship with people, animals and plants

=plants are grown for harvesting

=animals are raised and kept to assist humans

=similar species & region are treated best and most welcoming

Terrain description

=island a little smaller than the size of Manhattan

Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts……………………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=cafeteria style mess hall

=1 expensive brothel

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=in cell political societies

=military murder squad / exterminators / assassins

=political “g6 summit” global group

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= uncommon alcohol use

= rare cannabis pipe use

= no shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= no art

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, acapella style

= no theater


=typical medieval fare, non cannibalistic,


=ale, water

History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=English, older style

Pre history & beginning of recorded history

Yellow Kingdom

Yellow Kingdom 

Location Video Reference: 

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Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=is under jurisdiction of the Doro Empire, who reside the seclusion of Coucilon.

=yellow kingdom is a rich kingdom under Doro rule and governance


=not a clan based society

=capitalistic society, very market and trade focused

Family feuds

-(affects love stories)

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=distain for clans, tribes, pirates, vagabonds

=distain for eastern lands and wild creatures

Racial sects 

=more about class hierarchy, similar to real world


=generally traveling merchants

=yellow kingdom does not allow vagrants / vagabonds in it’s walls

National logos and fonts 

=sun, grain, merchants, military

Social hierarchies 

=only certain groups are allowed in

=capitalistic socio-economic class hierarchy


=generally proper in kingdom, less proper amongst the farm lands

Traditions & Rituals:……………………………………………….


=first harvest (late spring / early summer)

=last harvest (late fall / early winter)

=king’s day (mid summer)

=quarterly merchant festivals (winter, spring, summer, fall)


=18yo male pilgrimage to Councilon for military training

=occasional pilgrimages to ash sites

Celebrations & age parties

=10yo,25yo, 50yo, 70yo,

Funeral Customs

=only pyre / cremations, allowing the family to scatter the ashes where they please

Orgies & fertilities

=Early summer blossom festival


=slightly pagan, authoritarian based

Rulers: Greater Community………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=Doro Empire

Laws and punishments 

=modern capitalistic laws

=punishment publicly for small crimes. dungeons, executions for big crimes

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: grains, food, swords, armor, gold, clothing, cured meats & cheeses

=imports: boats, wood, gold, military, metals

Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………………


=broad swords, bow and arrows


=medieval ages

Soldier training

= 18yo males are drafted to Councilon for several year training


=merchant, architects, soldier, laborer, blacksmith, farmer, masons

School / education

=military school, everything is more or less self taught

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: are financial burdens till working age of around 10yo or earlier if educated

=women: home bodies

=men: expected military or poor farmer, greasy merchant

=elderly: burden and reliant on young family, hid away by family

=poor: looked down upon

=rich: looked up to

=disabled: hid away by family

What tech exists

=high medieval

Philosophies: Values……………………………………..…..


=monotheistic & authoritarian. Meaning the King is appointed by the god

=morals same as christian America

Cult prophecies 

=rulers will save the people

Sacred & respected places 

=Councilon Island, yellow kingdom temple

Natural world:…………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=california similar, occasional rain , mostly sunny

=summer high of 100*f, winter lows of 40*f

=wild fires, occasional flooding

Creatures & animal species

=horses, field animals, cattle, birds

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=plants are grown for harvesting

=animals are raised and kept to assist humans

=similar species & region are treated best and most welcoming

Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts……………………..………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a luxury designed for the rich

=brothels are common for the military

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=in cell military societies

=military murder squad / exterminators

=farmers guild

=black market merchants

=underground female witch culture

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= uncommon cannabis pipe use

=rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: rich people portraits, common for lord/king portraits, landscapes,

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles

= theater: fable reenactments


=typical medieval fare, non cannibalistic,


=ale, wine, water, juice,

History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=English, older style

Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=monogamous man & woman of same region norm and pushed

=same sex if fine but not taken seriously

=out of region or species is looked down upon

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern

=biologic warfare not a concern

=maybe in the past a species helped them through a pandemic or they were suspicious of a species



Council's Peak

Council’s Peak

Location Video Reference 

Surrounding Forest

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Note: “Timber Cove” is a port on the shore near Council’s Peak between Coucilon, essentially essentially run by the Doro Empire to transport material such as wood and metals




Purpose of the land

=mountain town for travelers, merchants, miners, working class

=lots of traveler rumors and stories arise from this land

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=collective of the social people of the north


=collective of clans, workers and travelers

=this is another outpost for the Doro Empire to collect resources

Family feuds

=this is a place amongst the wilderness that imposes order

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=all are accepted entry but any misconduct and they will be kicked out of imprisoned

Racial sects 

=more about socio-economic class struggles. Working class vs the empire distain


=open to nomads looking to trade labor for food, shelter and safety

National logos and fonts 

=mountains, housing

Social hierarchies 

=doro empire military, inn keepers, merchants, travelers,


=stay as long as you need, there’s a lot of work to be done around here.

=inn keepers offer jobs in the kitchen, cleaning the rooms, bartending, in the stables, etc


Traditions & Rituals:…………………………………………….


=first harvest (late spring / early summer)

=last harvest (late fall / early winter)

=king’s day (mid summer) celebration of the Doro empire

=Peak day (mid winter) competition to summit a peak


=this is a community of transplants from all backgrounds.

Celebrations & age parties

=celebrations for any announced purpose

Funeral Customs

=pyre. Ashes given to travelers headed to the individual’s home land

Orgies & fertilities

=usually too diverse to pick a specific day


=general pagan and open to all beliefs


Rulers: Greater Community……………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=half self governed

=half alliances with the Doro Empire, lucky soldiers in training are stationed here

Laws and punishments 

=modern capitalistic laws

=light crime, public beating or kicked out

=bad crime inprisonment or public hanging

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: lots of wood. Some food, cured meats & cheeses, wood, honey, cattle, horses, gold

=imports: military, metals


Tools: Techniques and Skills…………………………………………


=broad swords, bow and arrows, scythes & sickles


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= Council’s Peak relies on Doro Empire trainee soldiers to aid in governance


=inn keepers, brothels, architects, merchant, laborer, blacksmith, farmer

School / education

=family taught, on the job training

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: can be paid cheap for tasks

=women: prostitute, old maid,

=men: inn keeper is the man of the house, otherwise probably shady intentions

=elderly: can entertain with stories

=poor: field worker

=rich: gold merchant

=disabled: hidden away by family

What tech exists

= basic medieval

Philosophies: Values…………………………………………..…..


=deities of natures: ground, sky, beasts, beings

Cult prophecies 

=no native prophecies

Sacred & respected places 

=distant places. (Secret grotto, ice realm temple no-one has ever been to, etc.)


Natural world:…………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=snowy, rainy,

=summer high of 90*f, winter lows of -20*f

=common blizzard. rare: flooding, wild fire

Creatures & animal species

=horses, field animals, cattle, birds, occasional dark forest beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=the environment and animals is captivated to comfort and aid travelers continue on their path

=All being can help others find relaxing comforts.


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts………………………..………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a primary food and social source here

=most females work in brothels here

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=inn keepers association, documenting and profiling people and races

=alchemists, secretly testing potions on people

=underground female witch culture, passing along secrets coded grimoire knowledge via unknowing travelers

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= common cannabis pipe use

= rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: landscape & traveler portrait paintings in water color, stone art sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, fiddles, mandolins, any instruments from all over the realm

= theater: traveling fable reenactments , traveler spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, non cannibalistic here but cannibals do pass through. a lot of fresh veggies, bread, meat, everything during mid spring through mid fall. From late fall through mid spring, they rely on jarred and preserved foods.


=ale, wine, water, juice, potions


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms, it is up to the buyer

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern

=biologic warfare not a concern


=mostly English



Location Video Reference: 

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Beast Photo Reference: 


Purpose of the land

=flat grassy land ideal for farming and agriculture

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=a farming town


=group of farmer families

=not a clan but a guild of farmers

=precapitalistic society, market and trade focused

Family feuds


family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=distain for clans, tribes, pirates

=distain for eastern lands and wild creatures

Racial sects 

=more about class history based community respect


=open to nomads looking to trade labor for food, shelter and safety

National logos and fonts 


Social hierarchies 

=male farmers, respect earned through history, output, giving back to the community


=your worth is based on what you give and provide family and community


Traditions & Rituals:……………………………………….


=first harvest (late spring / early summer)

=last harvest (late fall / early winter)

=king’s day (mid summer)

=quarterly merchant festivals (winter, spring, summer, fall)


= Plains region walk about to collect new seeds and plants. every year a new small group of middle aged farmers trek the main plains trail to collect new seeds for planting and documenting

Celebrations & age parties

=10yo,25yo, 50yo, 70yo,

Funeral Customs

=water cremation. Them used to fertilize a special patch of land.

Orgies & fertilities

=early winter festival


=pagan / green witch rituals


Rulers: Greater Community……………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=mostly self governed

=alliances with the Doro Empire

Laws and punishments 

=modern capitalistic laws

=light crime, public beating,

=bad crime scar crow crucifixion

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: lots of grains, food, cured meats & cheeses, wood, honey, cattle, horses

=imports: gold, military, metals


Tools: Techniques and Skills…………………………………


=broad swords, bow and arrows, scythes & sickles


=pre medieval ages

Soldier training

= sometimes 18yo males are drafted to Councilon for several year training


=merchant, laborer, blacksmith, farmer

School / education

=family taught farming

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: are financial burdens till working age of around 10yo or earlier if educated

=women: home bodies

=men: expected farmers, young laborers, those who don’t like the farm can be a merchant and/or go to military school

=elderly: live off the riches of the family’s young

=poor: commonly offered field jobs

=rich: looked over

=disabled: house maids if possible

What tech exists

= basic medieval, high bio engineering

Philosophies: Values………………………………………..…..


=deities of natures: sun, moon, stars, rain, clouds, soil, beasts

Cult prophecies 


Sacred & respected places 



Natural world:…………………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=humid summers, rainy,

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 50*f

=blight, famine, pestilence, swarms, beast attacks

Creatures & animal species

=horses, field animals, cattle, birds, occasional dark forest beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=if the environment is treated well enough it can foster human life by its harvest

=if the animals are cared for properly they will aid and respect their masters

=All being can work the land. Ability to foster a plant reflects the individual’s mental clarity


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts……………….………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=nightly full family meals

=brothels are not a thing here

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=private militia

=farmers guild


=underground female witch culture

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= uncommon alcohol use

= common cannabis pipe use

=uncommon shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: landscape paintings in water color, found nature assembly art, stone art sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, fiddles, mandolins

= theater: traveling fable reenactments , spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, non cannibalistic but will use humans as fertilizer. a lot of fresh veggies, bread, meat, everything during mid spring through mid fall. From late fall through mid spring, they rely on jarred and preserved foods.


=ale, wine, meed, water, juice,


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=English, older style

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=polyamorous man & multiple woman of same region norm and pushed

=same sex if fine but not taken seriously

=out of species is looked down upon, out of region is generally okay but uncommon

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern

=biologic warfare not a concern

=maybe in the past a species helped them through a pandemic or they were suspicious of a species



Rockmount Glen

Rockmount Glen

Location Video Reference: 

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=ruins of an Doro empire castle

=a lawless alternative to Council’s Peak

=unconfirmed haunted



Purpose of the land

=a lawless region for the blackmarket deals, trafficking and planning

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=collective of outlaws there for a specific reason. This is impart used as a meeting place for atmosphere and intimidation.


=collective of outlaws

Family feuds

=this is a place amongst the wilderness that imposes chaos, no inherent feuds

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=all are equally unwelcome as welcomed, the only racism is that which parties bring

Racial sects 

=perhaps bad blood


=all are equally unwelcome as welcomed, though robberies are common here

National logos and fonts 


Social hierarchies 



=outlaw business has no law


Traditions & Rituals:…………………………………….


=mid summer night market. Same day as the king’s day since all the soldiers are typically preoccupied.



Celebrations & age parties


Funeral Customs

=typically exposure burial (left out for the wild beasts)

Orgies & fertilities





Rulers: Greater Community……………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 


Laws and punishments 


Village Imports/exports 



Tools: Techniques and Skills…………………………


=that which is brought


= None

Soldier training

= None



School / education


Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

= equally unwelcome

What tech exists

= pre historic

Philosophies: Values…………………………………..…..


=the law is what you’re capable of enforcing

Cult prophecies 


Sacred & respected places 

=none, nothing is sacred here


Natural world:…………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=snowy, rainy,

=summer high of 80*f, winter lows of -20*f

=common blizzard

Creatures & animal species

=wild field animals, birds, occasional dark forest beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=black market manifesto


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts……………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses


Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=secret soldier society assassins guild. This may be their secret execution & killing grounds.

=black market merchant guild

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= whatever you bring here

Art, music, theatre

= none

Food & drink

=whatever you bring here


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)

=used to be a Doro Empire castle eras ago about but it fell and now is ungoverned

=might be haunted


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms, it is up to the buyer

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=pandemic not really a modern concern


=mostly English

Timber Cove

Timber Cove

Location Video Reference: 

Location Photo Reference: 

People Photo Reference: 

Beast Photo Reference: 

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