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Highland Realm

highland Realm.png
Hillsmen Mines

Hillsmen Tribe

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Fairex Empire


=Original Homelands: Fairex Castle

=Current Homelands: Hillmen Tribe Mines



=south west mountain realm



Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=this town is known for it’s vast wealth of gold and metals


=hillsmen tribe aka Fairex Empire

Family feuds

=the Hillsmen are always annoyed because they get the bad end of trade agreements and they take it.

family trees 

=the Fairex empire leaders have been dismantled and some killed, forcing the castle to retreat into their mines and live a safer life underground.

Race wars & racism & species hate

=the hillsmen are cautious against any outsiders and only allow trusted individuals inside their mines

Racial sects 

=tribesmen only live here, restricted from the rest of the world


=no nomads allowed

National logos and fonts 

=mining, mountains, gold, armor, caves, flame light

Social hierarchies 

=council of 5 leaders, guarders, miners, black smiths


=forever safe in the depths others can’t go


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=1st day of summer (early summer) merry celebration

=1st day of winter (early winter) merry celebration


=norwich grotto, once a year, this also helps scout new cave entrances

Celebrations & age parties

=10yo, 20yo, 30 yo, 50 yo, 75yo, 100yo, 120yo

Funeral Customs

=burial crypts

Orgies & fertilities

=fertilities on holidays


=crystal / rock magic


Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 

=Hillsmen tribe

Laws and punishments 

=minor crime: kicked out, stoned, lay down head out while stones are piled on the body

=major crime: entombed alive, buried alive

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: gold, metals

=imports: everything


Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::


=swords, pikes, pick axe

Soldier training

=hillsmen in house


=mining, black smithing, guard, geologists

School / education


Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: blacksmith

=women: blacksmith , house wife ,

=men: miners, guards, black smiths

=elderly: merchants,

=poor: no poor

=rich: communistic wealth

=disabled: home bodies

What tech exists

Advanced medieval

Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=Ancestral crystal magic

Cult prophecies 

=legendary stone that will allow the holder control over all things

Sacred & respected places 

=crypts, temples, and kind of the mines themselves , (special) cavern, (special) pools


Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=no weather in the mines

=constant temperature of 60*f

=rare: flooding

Creatures & animal species

=bats, birds, fish, lizards, horror creatures

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=mining, by food

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=all are sacred


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls specific to occupation

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=geology guild

=alchemist guild

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

=common alcohol

=uncommon drugs

=uncommon shrooms

Art, music, theatre

=art: stone carvings, jewelry

=music: precession based, choir

=theatre: none,


=imports & preserved foods, some fresh set it and for get it veggies, cattle meats and milk


= ale, wine, (anything fermented), potions, water


History: Knowledge & Stories ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 

Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)



Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sexual norms / reproduction

=mostly male & female

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=vitamin D deficiency



Marriage & love norms

=male & female

Norwich Grotto

Norwich Grotto

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=This is a secret location the Hillsmen tribe pilgrimage to each year. As they travel to and from this location they map out potential future dig, caving and mineral sites.

=there is a small group of Nins that do inhabit this grotto full time. The Hillsmen tribe bring them yearly offerings that sustain them all year.



=North central east



Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=this locations is virtually unknown to the rest of the world


=Hillsmen Tribe

Family feuds


family trees 

=hillsmen tribe / faire empire

Race wars & racism & species hate


Racial sects 

=hillsmen tribe & Nin group



National logos and fonts 


Social hierarchies 



=yearly pilgrimage to explore and relax


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::





Celebrations & age parties

=yes, the hillsmen tribe celebrate their entire stay here

Funeral Customs


Orgies & fertilities



=hillsmen tribe and their crystals. Nin and their feast


Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 

=none needed

Laws and punishments 

=none needed

Village Imports/exports 

=imports: all

=exports: none


Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::


=none needed

Soldier training

=none needed



School / education


Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=all equally respected

What tech exists


Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::



Cult prophecies 


Sacred & respected places



Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=snowy, over cast, cold

=highs of 40*f , lows of -20 *f

Creatures & animal species


Styles of transportation & distant communication 


Relationship with people, animals and plants

=all respect and helping


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=1 dining hall

=no brothels needed

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=Nin & hillsmen tribe

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= all common

Art, music, theatre

=music: acoustic merry singing


=preserved foods


=preserved drinks & water


History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 

Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=English & Nin

Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sexual norms / reproduction


Species based Diseases and illnesses

=frost bite


=English & Nin

Marriage & love norms




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Brooks Empire History

=not active

=homeland: Brooklon , now known as “Shadow Book”

=the remaining empire split into Epska & Virenia

==split by religious branches of the same extreme religion

===original religion spoke of the good god and an evil god. The evil god was blamed for the Dezlan uprising that destroyed the Brook empire. The people were literally and ideologically split of the religious interpretation of the destruction. Epska prays for the suppression of evil. Virenia caters to the evil.

Virenia: seek and recruit people to their communistic cult island, preacher christian-like, feeds human blood/bodies to the evil god via a ceremonial sacrifices

Epska: very secluded, monk-like, no one every leaves, constant meditation to suppress the evil god.



Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=forgotten society of people

=never hear much from them

=they do not travel and do not have many resources



Family feuds

=epska feuds with Virena

family trees 

=lineages are traced back to the Brook Empire when both sides were one in peace with one another

Race wars & racism & species hate

=distain for Virenia since they fuel the evil god

Racial sects 



=they accept nomads but are not very accommodating as they are all too busy in prayer

=nomads are not thrilled about staying or visiting this village

National logos and fonts 

=cold, prayer, goodness, monk

Social hierarchies 

=3 lords, monks, common folk


=our prays suppress the evil


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=the thaw (early summer)

=harvest (mid summer)

=first freeze (mid fall)


=none, they must remain in the temples

Celebrations & age parties

Funeral Customs

=sky burial

Orgies & fertilities

=Harvest (mid summer)


=life here is very ritualized, essentially entirely ritualized, very zen culture


Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 

=Epska governance

Laws and punishments 

-minor crime: escorted out

-major crime: living sky burial, stopped to a wooden X and layer in the burial field to be eaten by vultures

Village Imports/exports 

=none, painfully self sufficient


Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::


=hand to hand

Soldier training

=in house training


=praying, farming

School / education

=temple speakers

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=equal , because all can pray

What tech exists

Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::


= good & evil gods

Cult prophecies 

= once evil god is fully supressed the good god will prevail and save the Epska people

Sacred & respected places 

= prayer temple, whispering cavern: within the echos one may hear answers from the good god


Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=mostly cold, snowy,

=common, blizzards

=highs 75*f, Lows of -30*f

Creatures & animal species

=vultures, legendary birds, some horses

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=walking, horse, sled

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=not really any since monks pray all day everyday


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts ::::::::::::::::::::

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=primarily dining halls

=no brothels

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=only Epska monks

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

=no alcohol , no drugs

=rare shrooms

Art, music, theatre

=art: uncommon minimalistic water colors

=music: mantra based

=theater: mantra based


=cold weather vegetables, grain, rice, special biscuit


=water, milk,


History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 

Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)



Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sexual norms / reproduction

=specific mating days

=male & female to produce more monks to defeat the evil

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=bed sores



Marriage & love norms

=male & female to produce more monks to defeat the evil



Location Video Reference:
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Port Sierra: located south east Virenia Island


Brooks Empire History

=not active

=homeland: Brooklon , now known as “Shadow Book”

=the remaining empire split into Epska & Virenia

==split by religious branches of the same extreme religion

===original religion spoke of the good god and an evil god. The evil god was blamed for the Dezlan uprising that destroyed the Brook empire. The people were literally and ideologically split of the religious interpretation of the destruction. Epska prays for the suppression of evil. Virenia caters to the evil.

Virenia: seek and recruit people to their communistic cult island, preacher christian-like, feeds human blood/bodies to the evil god via a ceremonial sacrifices

Epska: very secluded, monk-like, no one every leaves, constant meditation to suppress the evil god.



Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=communistic religious commune



Family feuds

=distain for the Epska people but they are perceived as borderline inactive

family trees 

=lineages are traced back to the Brook Empire when both sides were one in peace with one another

Race wars & racism & species hate

=hate for the pesky people

=distain for any god worshipping culture

Racial sects 


=overly welcoming to nomads and travelers

=Virenia recruits, travel all over the realms to preach of the greatness of Virenia, their god and the freedom of money-free communism

National logos and fonts 

=openness, community, god, no money, special insect (mosquito-like)

Social hierarchies 

=lord, council of 5, the community


=together we live, our lord and god provide all


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=early winter

-early spring

=early summer

=early fall


=none, Lord doesn’t want anyone to leave

Celebrations & age parties

=all and any occasion to maintain moral

Funeral Customs

=bone church

Orgies & fertilities

=every holiday


=some ritualized church like meetings everyday


Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 


Laws and punishments 

=minor crime: the insect field

=major crime: ritualistic murder sacrifice

Village Imports/exports 

=imports: most foods, people

=exports: gold (gold rush from hot springs)


Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::


=maces, whips, some swords

Soldier training

=in virenia


=meal prep, labor, boat making, gold panning

School / education

=temple taught

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=all have blood to give to god

What tech exists


Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=there are 2 gods Virenia worships & sacrifices to the god that is considered “evil” by the Epska people.

Cult prophecies 

=their god will rapture them all to a place of ecstasy once the god is satisfied

Sacred & respected places 

=insect field , bone church


Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=typically gloomy, some rain

=highs of 85*f , lows of 0*f

Creatures & animal species

=fish, birds, small field animals, horses

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=walking, carriage, boat

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=plants can sustain human life

=all beings with blood can sustain god life


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=mostly dining halls

=1 brothel

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 


Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

=alcohol: uncommon

=drugs: uncommon

=shrooms: common

Art, music, theatre

=art: water colors landscapes and god interpretations

=music: temple hymns

=theater: temple performances


=donated food, imported food, grown food, fish, cattle


=ale, water, wine,


History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 

Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)



Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sexual norms / reproduction

=male & female to grow the church and recruiters to all be saved by god

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=yellow fever


Marriage & love norms

=male & female to grow the church and recruiters to all be saved by god

=big families, MLM style

Blackwell Springs

Blackwell Springs

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=oasis in the Highland / Arid Realm


=South central



Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=this is just a water fall on the outskirts of the dune realm on the boarder of the mountain realm


=Barolan clan

=hillsmen tribe

=travelers & nomads

Family feuds

=barolan empire vs Doro Empire

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=barolan empire vs Doro Empire

=hillsmen tribe is vaguely neutral

Racial sects 


=welcome to pass through and rest

National logos and fonts 

Oasis, dunes, mountains, waterfall

Social hierarchies 

=barolan, hillsmen, nomads, Doro empire


=an oasis of between hills and dunes


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=first freeze (early winter)

=thaw (early spring)

=blossom fest (late spring) : drinking and theatre shows

=mid summer night festival : drinking and theatre shows

=fall festival (mid fall) drinking and theater shows


=people come here for the unique festivals

Celebrations & age parties


Funeral Customs


Orgies & fertilities

=coincides with festivals


=tribal performance, ritual god callings


Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 

=some Barolan

Laws and punishments 

=small crime: asked to leave

=big crime: caged and sent to Barolan

Village Imports/exports 

=imports: all

=exports: entertainment

=the village is closed during the winter season, the springs may be frozen during the winter


Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::


=swords, whips

Soldier training



=inn keep, brothel, laborer, farming, some merchants

School / education

=out of town

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=all equal since each may have stories to tell, songs to sing and a performance within

What tech exists


Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::


=this village is a melting pot of many spiritual influences , not one dominates although they try

Cult prophecies 

=no specific one

Sacred & respected places 



Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=generally clear weather

=highs 85*f, lows 0*f

Creatures & animal species

=birds, horses, mountain beasts, cave beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=horses, walking, hiking

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=plants and animals are cultivated to comfort travelers

=all equal since each may have stories to tell, songs to sing and a performance within


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=primarily dining halls

=1 brothel

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=alchemist guild

=nomad guild

=witch guild


Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

=alcohol common

=drugs common

=shrooms common

Art, music, theatre

= art: all art forms

= music: all music forms

= shrooms: uncommon


=all types: fresh veggies, canned veggies, cured meats, cheese, fresh meats


=ale, wine, potions, water


History: Knowledge & Stories ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 

Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)



Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sexual norms / reproduction

=No sexual norms

=no care of reproducing since this is primarily a summer town

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=stomach bugs



Marriage & love norms


Nightgate Village

Nightgate Village

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Once referred to as “Mountain Gate Village”, once abandoned it is not referred to as “Night Gate Village”

Abandoned metal mines due to the creatures, collapses, flooding and questionable sabotage



=south east mountain realm


Diy Pirate port near



Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=this town is a ghost town , open to outlaws and independent miners



=old brooks empire



Family feuds

=the beasts and pirates make it difficult for anyone to call this land their own

=Brook empire & Sunza Empire have spent years fighting over this land land with no resolve

Race wars & racism & species hate

=basically one competition to find as much riches as one can , so theirs equal distain for each other

Racial sects 

=groups stay together


=primarily nomads and those seeking riches

National logos and fonts 

=old: gold , mountains , gates, merchants

=now: death, darkness, locked gates, do not enter

Social hierarchies 

=none , who ever has the most strongest group with them


=Wild West ghost town


Traditions & Rituals:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::





Celebrations & age parties


Funeral Customs

=exposure burial or rock mount

Orgies & fertilities





Rulers: Greater Community :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Governance / law enforcement 

=none , this an outlaw town

Laws and punishments 


Village Imports/exports 

=exports: gold, metals

=imports: none


Tools: Techniques and Skills. ::::::::::::::::::::::::


=whatever you bring

Soldier training

=out of town training


=mining, black smithing, guard, geologists

School / education


Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=equal distain

What tech exists

=Primitive medieval

Philosophies: Values :::::::::::::::::::::::::::



Cult prophecies 


Sacred & respected places 



Natural world: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=gloomy, rain

=high 95*f , lows 20*f

=rare: flooding , snow

Creatures & animal species

=bats, birds, fish, lizards, horror creatures, dark creatures

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=foot, horse, boat & ship

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=equal distain


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=none , those that do exist are nomads trying to make money off other nomads

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=geology guild

=alchemist guild

=pirate guild

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

=uncommon alcohol

=uncommon drugs

=rare common shrooms

Art, music, theatre

=art: none

=music: none

=theatre: none,


=imports & preserved foods


= ale, wine, (anything fermented), potions, water


History: Knowledge & Stories :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 

Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)



Pre history & beginning of recorded history


Health: Food & Drink ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sexual norms / reproduction


Species based Diseases and illnesses




Marriage & love norms


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