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Southerlan Realm

Southerlans Realm.png
Sana Bay

Sana Bay

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Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=a free market trades town


=mixing pot of cultures and peoples primarily that of merchants from the yellow kingdom, fisherman of the southerlans, pirates from the maraud isles,

=not a clan based society


=this region is not run by any single clan or empire

=though empires with economic interests do send soldiers to oversee their segregated parts of the town

Family feuds

=there’s some clashing between merchants that sell similar wares and out price one another

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=general racism and stereotypes does occur here

=for example some merchants might charge certain people more based on their homeland

Racial sects 

=the village is generally segregated based on homelands


=all are welcome to come trade, buy and spend gold here

National logos and fonts 

=market, sea, trading post

Social hierarchies 

= shop owners, militia, vending merchants, poor, pirates

=pirates are very hated here


=all beings have something sell, in order to buy.

=wether it’s labor or the shirt off their back


Traditions & Rituals:…………………………………….


=quarterly markets festivals



Celebrations & age parties

=celebrations for any announced purpose

=biggest fish contests

Funeral Customs

=generally typically pyres

Orgies & fertilities



=mostly sea witch, some green witch


Rulers: Greater Community…………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=anarchistic democracy

Laws and punishments 

=similar to Antarctica each segregated empire part of town is responsible for their enforcement

=if needed the township could get involved, enforcement maned by the enforcement guild

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: fish, boat, ships, fruits, GLASS

=imports: gold, metal,

==this village heavily relies on the ship industry as well as the merchant and trade industry


Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………………


= clubs, swords, daggers, bow and arrows, rare ballista


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= in town training


=inn keepers, brothels, ship builders, merchant, boat hands, blacksmith, carpentry

School / education

=on the job training

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: can be paid cheap for tasks

=women: brothels, witches, cooks, glass blowers

=men: ship builders, architects, inn keepers,  uncommon blacksmiths, glass blowers

=elderly: fishermen,

=poor: boat hands, laborers

=rich: ship architects / builders, successful merchants, wholesalers

=disabled: hidden away by family

What tech exists

= medieval

Philosophies: Values…………………………………..…..


=deities of natures: water, wind, stars,

Cult prophecies 

=the great flood

Sacred & respected places 



Natural world:………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=hot, breezy, rainy

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 55*f

=rare: flooding / tsunami

Creatures & animal species

=horses, birds, dark forest creatures, zenzina beasts

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, boat, ship, walking, swimming

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=the environment and animals are captivated to comfort and aid travelers to continue on their path to harvesting fish, buying boats and spend money in the village

=get payment before services


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts…………………..………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a primary food and social source here

=there are brothels here based of homeland region

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=inn keepers association, documenting and profiling people and races

=alchemists, secretly testing potions on people

=underground female witch culture, passing along secrets coded grimoire knowledge via unknowing travelers

=rare: black market traders

=fishermen guild

=NOT pirates brotherhood

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= common cannabis pipe use

= rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: landscape, sea monsters & traveler portrait paintings in water color, sand sculpting, sand stone sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, mandolins, any instruments from all over the realm

= theater: traveling performances and in town theaters, traveler spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, no cannibalistic, except in the blackmarket taverns . veggies, bread, any meat, everything during mid spring through mid fall. From late fall through mid spring, they rely on jarred and preserved foods.


=ale, wine, water, potions


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms, it is up to the buyer

=parts of town norms are based on homeland norms

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=blight, sun burn, scurvy, sea sickness,


=mostly English

Maraud Isles

Maraud Isles

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Purpose of the land

=a collection of rogue islands where pirates live and settle down

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=pirates typically never form a large enough group to be considered a clan or tribe.

==but here is where they anchor and try to form unified clans


=this region is not run by any single clan or empire.

=it is difficult to navigate because of the varying sea bed depth. It’s unclear if an destroyed ship is do to shallow waters, bounty, raid, etc.

Family feuds

=this place commonly has fighting between pirate groups on land and sea

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=hate between groups is not race based, its competition based. Rival family and groups. Mafia status

Racial sects 

=more about raiding for resources, gold, treasure, bounty,


=are typically raided, robbed and put to slave work

National logos and fonts 

=each group has their own proud flag. Flags are used to identify the group and posted for bounties

Social hierarchies 

=captain, raiders, boat hands, slaves


=blood washes away with water

=we kill till we get what we want


Traditions & Rituals:……………………………….


=black market (early winter) a market to stimulate the stagnant winter economy



Celebrations & age parties

=celebrations for any announced purpose

Funeral Customs

=common folk: burial at sea

=pirate folk: returned to family shrine / ossuary

Orgies & fertilities



=water witch


Rulers: Greater Community……………………………………

Governance / law enforcement 


Laws and punishments 

=rules are made and enforced by the island’s dominating group

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: fruit, fish, flammable alcohol, stolen goods

=imports: everything


Tools: Techniques and Skills………………………………


= swords, daggers, bow and arrows, rare ballista, fire bombs


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= on ship training and homestead training


=architects, brothels, ship builders & repairers, merchant, boat hands, blacksmith, bounty hunters

School / education

=on the job training

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: no use

=women: prostitute, old maid, bounty inquirers

=men: inn keeper is the man of the house

=elderly: bounty inquirers

=poor: boat hands, bounty inquirers

=rich: rob targets, bounty inquirers

=disabled: no use

What tech exists

= medieval

Philosophies: Values………………………………………..…..


=deities of natures: water, wind, stars,

Cult prophecies 

=the great flood

Sacred & respected places 

=personal ancestral bone shrines and ossuaries


Natural world:………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=hot, breezy, rainy, stormy seas

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 55*f

=rare: flooding / tsunami

Creatures & animal species

= birds, rats and boat creatures

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= boat, ship, walking, swimming

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=the environment and animals is captivated to maintain life at sea

=survival of the fittest

Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts………………….………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are risky here

=females either work at brothels to take advantage of men or sea witch

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=underground female witch culture, passing along secrets coded grimoire knowledge via unknowing travelers

=black market traders

=fishermen guild

=pirates brotherhood

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= rare cannabis pipe use

= rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: sea monsters & traveler portrait paintings in water color, sand sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, any stolen instruments from all over the realm

= theater: traveler spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, cannibalistic here . canned veggies, stale bread, cured meats,


=ale, wine, water, potions and anything stolen


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=blight, sun burn, scurvy, sea sickness,


=mostly English

Pirate's Port

Pirate's Port

Location Video Reference:
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Beast Photo Reference:


Purpose of the land

=a place where pirates do business and dock when needed without military intervention

=many bounty hunters camp here

=this is a generally dangerous place given the lawless state of the area

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=pirates typically never form a large enough group to be considered a clan or tribe.

==the pirate group can easily be wiped out if the boat sinks. These groups typically don’t live long nor prosper.


=this region is not run by any single clan or empire

Family feuds

=this place commonly has fighting between pirate groups on land

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=hate between groups is not race based it’s compition based

Racial sects 

=more about raiding for resources, gold, treasure, bounty


=open to nomads looking to man a boat for months at a time

National logos and fonts 

=ship, death, palm trees, swords,

Social hierarchies 

=captain, raiders, boat hands


=when you blood is thick with salt , you will drink blood of your enemy


Traditions & Rituals:………………………….


=black market (early winter) a market to stimulate the stagnant winter economy



Celebrations & age parties

=celebrations for any announced purpose

Funeral Customs

=burial at sea

Orgies & fertilities



=water witch


Rulers: Greater Community………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=anarchistic democracy

Laws and punishments 

=Wild West, anything goes in the streets, inside it is governed by the building owner

=light crime, public beating or kicked out

=bad crime inprisonment or public drowning or submerged cage

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: x

=imports: x

==the port acts as an intermediary providing the outlaws with food and goods they can’t typically just get easily. This is like a fast food and gas station exit off an interstate for the pirates


Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………


= swords, daggers, bow and arrows, rare ballista


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= on ship training


=inn keepers, brothels, ship builders, merchant, boat hands, blacksmith

School / education

=on the job training

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: can be paid cheap for tasks

=women: prostitute, old maid

=men: inn keeper is the man of the house

=elderly: can entertain with stories

=poor: boat hands

=rich: ship builder

=disabled: hidden away by family

What tech exists

= medieval

Philosophies: Values…………………………………..…..


=deities of natures: water, wind, stars,

Cult prophecies 

=the great flood

Sacred & respected places 

=the triangle temple


Natural world:………………………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=hot, breezy, rainy

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 55*f

=rare: flooding / tsunami

Creatures & animal species

=horses, birds,

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, boat, ship, walking, letter carriers

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=the environment and animals is captivated to comfort and aid travelers continue on their path

=All being are capable of killing and loving, how can one be motivated.

=get payment before services


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts………………………..

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a primary food and social source here

=most females work in brothels here

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=inn keepers association, documenting and profiling people and races

=alchemists, secretly testing potions on people

=underground female witch culture, passing along secrets coded grimoire knowledge via unknowing travelers

=black market traders

=fishermen guild

=pirates brotherhood

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= uncommon cannabis pipe use

= rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: landscape, sea monsters & traveler portrait paintings in water color, sand sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles, mandolins, any instruments from all over the realm

= theater: traveler spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare, cannibalistic here . fresh veggies, bread, any meat, everything during mid spring through mid fall. From late fall through mid spring, they rely on jarred and preserved foods.


=ale, wine, water, potions


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms, it is up to the buyer

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=blight, sun burn, scurvy, sea sickness,


=mostly English

Blue Isles

Blue Isles

Location Video Reference:
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:


Purpose of the land

=trading town between Zenzina and Sana Bay

=shallow waters that keep pirates out, making it a safe region

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=a rich land populated by mostly hybrid merchants and fishermen


=this region is not run by any single clan or empire

Family feuds

=this town is populated by mostly level headed respectful merchants but will excuse the occasional hot headed fisherman

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=there is a sense of maintaining peace. The Zenzina bring traditionally bring a sense of calming in their presence

Racial sects 

=rare to see zenzina pure breeds and wa

=common to see zenzina hybrids

=common to see retired pirates

=common to see merchants from Sana Bay

=rare to see Dezea creature


=difficult for nomads to merely wander here

National logos and fonts 

=fish, tree, small boat, merchant

Social hierarchies 

=merchants, inns, etc.


=peaceful seas and peaceful people


Traditions & Rituals:…………………….


=First bloom (spring)

=fishing contest (summer) biggest fish

=fishing contest (winter) quantity of fish



Celebrations & age parties


Funeral Customs

=burial at sea

Orgies & fertilities



=mostly water witch, some green witch


Rulers: Greater Community……………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=self governance

=mostly enforced by the Zenzina hybrids

Laws and punishments 

=secluded Wild West like town

=light crime: kicked out

=bad crime: inprisonment or public drowning or caged and escorted out

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: goods from zenzina: rare plant medicines, wooden armor, rare woods, birds & beasts

=imports: goods from zenzina

==the main blue isles islands acts as a processing place fro tree folk goods to human goods


Tools: Techniques and Skills………………………


= weapons are looked down upon here. Typically clubs, daggers


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= soldiers are typically trained in Zenzina and some of their hybrids rotated through the Blue isles


=herbalists, inn keepers, some farming, wood workers, alchemists

School / education

=on the job training

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=young: much to teach them

=women: witch and herbalist

=men: inn keeper , strong woodworker

=elderly: probably a retired pirate, fishermen

=poor: boat hands, fishermen,

=rich: ship builder, mainland deliverer

=disabled: boat hand, inn hand, alchemist hand

What tech exists

= medieval

Philosophies: Values…………………………..…..


=deities of natures: water, wind, stars,

Cult prophecies 

=the great flood

Sacred & respected places 

=solitude island


Natural world:…………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=hot, breezy, sometimes rainy and stormy waters

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 60*f

=rare: flooding / tsunami

Creatures & animal species

= birds, fish, beasts brought from Zenzina

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

=boat, walking, swimming

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=the environment and animals is captivated to comfort and aid travelers continue on their path

=a merchant with peace in their heart offers peace free of charge with every sale of their wares.


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts…………………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a primary food and social source here

=no brothels on this small island line

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=inn keepers association, documenting and profiling people and races

=alchemists, secretly testing potions on people

=underground female witch culture, passing along secrets coded grimoire knowledge via unknowing travelers

=black market traders

=fishermen guild

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= uncommon alcohol use

= common cannabis pipe use

= common shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: sea monsters & traveler portrait paintings in water color, sand sculpting

= music: basic fable folk tavern jingles

= theater: traveler spoken word stories


=typical medieval fare: lots of fish, no cannibalistic here, lots for fresh sea veggies, zenzina veggies, some meat from zenzina breast,


=some ale, fresh water, zenzina teas, potions


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=Zin hybrids are humanoid tree folk. Purebred Zin tree folk typically do not have sex with humans

=human to Zin hybrid is weird but okay.

=norms are: human to human . Hybrid to hybrid

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=blight, sun burn, scurvy, sea sickness, hybrid’s over skin growth


=mostly English

Nightshade Cove

Nightshade Cove

Location Video Reference:
Location Photo Reference:
People Photo Reference:
Beast Photo Reference:


Purpose of the land

=a collection of inns to sea travelers

=a vacation like village for the rich and powerful

=empire leaders, meet here to discuss trade routes, deals and various political discussion

Individual clan Social circumstances globally 

=pirates typically never form a large enough group to be considered a clan or tribe.

==the pirate group can easily be wiped out if the boat sinks. These groups typically don’t live long nor prosper.


=this region is not run by any single empire, it is a United Nations kind of situation

Family feuds

=no feuds allowed

family trees 

Race wars & racism & species hate

=racism is not acceptable

Racial sects 

=empires have their own politics and history of like and distain


=this is a private village

National logos and fonts 

=power, empire, kingdoms, political talk

Social hierarchies 

=emperors, their family, knights, militia, inn keepers, laborers


=discussions can affect kingdoms of people


Traditions & Rituals:………………………….


=Mid summer meeting, fun to discuss the fall and winter plans and trade deals

=mid winter meeting, serious to discuss the current winter deals and spring transitions and crop subsidies



Celebrations & age parties

=celebrations for any announced purpose. For example a trade deal

Funeral Customs


Orgies & fertilities





Rulers: Greater Community……………………………

Governance / law enforcement 

=authoritarian communism

Laws and punishments 

=no crime

=but if there was intrusion it would be secret death

Village Imports/exports 

=exports: none

=imports: all


Tools: Techniques and Skills……………………………


= typically homeland militia choice


= medieval ages

Soldier training

= via homeland


=inn keepers, cooks, militia

School / education

=out of town, most full time residents are from Sana Bay

Treat young, women, men, elderly, poor, rich, disabled

=all are treated with equality and honor, except pirates

What tech exists

= medieval

Philosophies: Values……………………………..…..



Cult prophecies 


Sacred & respected places 



Natural world:………………………………………

Weather patterns, seasonal climate and natural disasters 

=hot, breezy

=summer high of 110*f, winter lows of 55*f

=rare: flooding / tsunami

Creatures & animal species

=birds, uncommon horses

Styles of transportation & distant communication 

= horses, boat, ship, walking, swimming

Relationship with people, animals and plants

=all things must be treated with honor and respect in name of the royalty


Entertainment: Food & Drink, The Arts………….………….

Dining halls / brothels / service businesses

=dining halls are a primary food and social source here

=no brothels, if requested it is an escort service situation

Guilds, clans, social clubs, secret societies, brotherhoods, 

=Empire Guild

Drug / alcohol / hallucinogens / intoxicants

= common alcohol use

= uncommon cannabis pipe use

= rare shrooms use

Art, music, theatre

= art: landscape, sea monsters paintings in water color, sand sculpting

= music & theater: presentation style of acknowledgment ceremony of various empire songs and stories


=typical medieval fare, no obvious cannibalistic here unless specifically requested. fresh veggies, fresh bread, any meat,


=ale, wine, water, potions, anything


History: Knowledge & Stories …

Lore / fables / myths / legends / songs 


Century breakdowns 

-history of legendary battles(old) to myths (older)


=mostly English, occasional various realm languages

Pre history & beginning of recorded history



Sexual norms / reproduction / marriage

=no sexual norms, it is up to the buyer

Species based Diseases and illnesses

=sun burn


=mostly English

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